• Product Designer

Design Your Own Custom Business Cards in Melbourne

Your design goes here
James Hetfield+ 44 321 4567 5647james.hetfield@gmail.com
your@design.comwww.website.com(223) 3450 - 3456 - 00JohnSMITHart director
Adam SmithDESIGNERCOMPANY NAMEwww.website.com1234 Main Street Your Address 2121( 0445 ) - 2345 - 5432
( 3425 ) - 3425 - 33453your@mail.comwww.website.comJack Mayer
Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Praesent commodo cursus magna,vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
NAME SURNAMEwebdesigner/ illustratorYOUR ADDRESSGOES HEREYOUR PHONE GOES HERE( 04359 ) - 3456 - 6543
WWW.WEBSITE.COMYOUR@MAIL.COMFACEBOOK.COMInteger posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuerevelit aliquet. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
YOUR NAMEjob position( 9087 ) - 3456 - 54321234 Main Street , Lipsumyour@mail.comwww.website.com
COMPANYNAMEDuis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac fac-ilisis in, egestas eget quam. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac fac-ilisis in, egestas eget quam.
CompanySLOGAN GOES HEREJames Hetfielddirector( 9876 ) - 3456 - 6543your@mail.comwww.website.com1212 Main Street Address, Lorem Ipsum


The humble business card is still one of the most effective and important business communication tools. When you’re looking to design and print unique business cards in Melbourne, Printing & More offers this custom service.

Get a professional business card and…

  • Empower – your business with an effective and arresting marketing tool that receivers will want to keep.
  • Personalise – your card with fonts, colours, and an effective design so that it stands out from the pack.
  • Make an impact – ideal for advertising, networking, and increasing client confidence.
  • Travel – with confidence, making sure your card meets the requirements of Asian – particularly Japanese – business card etiquette, and others.

Effective Business Communication

Designed well, business cards are a powerful communication tool even in this digital age. They let you:

Boost Credibility

Business cards offer a respectful, professional way to leave your details with a potential client or employer – without the sometimes implied neediness of handing out a CV.

Advertise Your Distinction

Improve even an average first impression by leaving a smartly designed business card behind. A unique, well-designed card will give anyone that receives it more of a reason to hold onto it – potentially remembering you or your company at a critical time.

Business Card Etiquette in Japan, Hong Kong, and China

Some companies – especially those headquartered in Japan, China, or Hong Kong – have specific requirements when it comes to business cards. Printing & More has experts who can help you design your card to meet them.

Japanese business card etiquette relating to meishi, the formal exchange of cards, is an important part of working with Japanese firms, for example. This makes it vital to get a grasp on what’s involved if you’re planning to enter these markets.

As well as the language and characters used, and the format of the design of the card itself, the most important aspects are:

  • DO offer the card with both hands, Japanese side facing up and towards the person you are handing it to.
  • DON`T just pocket a card you have been offered – take the time to read and remember the information.
  • DO always have enough cards to present to everyone you might meet, carried in a specific business card case.
  • DON`T make notes on, crib, bend, or damage the card – especially in front of the owner.

Contact us

Talk to an experienced professional graphic designer about your business communication needs at your local Printing & More today.

Your specialist will be happy to offer free advice on how to make a real impact with your business card design, or how to get discounts on business cards – anything relating to producing custom cards that powerfully advertise you or your business.